Unifi port 8080 is used by other programs startup failed due
Unifi port 8080 is used by other programs startup failed due

I did a cleanup in my DNS a while back so the reverse for it no longer works, otherwise I could know for sure. Rohan.loc is but at one point it's trying to go to but then it tries to go to. I tried to force the inform url to change, but it's like if it's resolving it wrong. Some interesting stuff going on in the logs (on the AP itself). I can also telnet to port 22 of the AP from the controller host. How do I go about making this work again? I'm guessing I probably have to manually update the firmware? Also just to confirm, from the AP I can telnet into port 84 of the controller, so I know the tcp connectivity is ok. I went on it and did ' restore-default'. At one point it was also going to 'failed'. When I try to adopt the AP, it just eventually goes to 'Disconnected'.

Unifi port 8080 is used by other programs startup failed due Unifi port 8080 is used by other programs startup failed due

They are version which I'm guessing is probably too old. I have a single AP, with potential plans to add another as I have 2 spares. I got it working and can login to it and everything. So today I did just that and found a tutorial and download link for a Linux version of the software. I used to have a Windows VM for the controller software which was kinda a pain and during network changes I just got rid of it with intention of looking into what it would take to run it in Linux.

Unifi port 8080 is used by other programs startup failed due